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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Metaphorically Speaking...

Adrienne Ross wrote an excellent, hard-hitting blog this weekend about how Levi Johnston is parlaying lies, attacking his son's family, and making excuses for not adequately supporting his son. Her post is filled with metaphors, comparing Levi to a dog that won't lie down and shut up but just keeps running around barking and biting. In her last paragraph, she used the words "put down" metaphorically to say that Levi needs to be told to shut up.

Two of the Sarah Palin-hating blogs intentionally misunderstood Adrienne's metaphor and tried to spin it as saying that Adrienne wanted to put Levi down as in euthanization. This was the farthest thing from Adrienne's mind and would be totally inconsistent with the statement she made in the immediately preceding paragraph:

I believe there's hope for Levi; I really do. And I hope he grabs ahold of
it soon because he's treading on very thin Alaska ice.

Since the hater blogs chose to misinterpret Adrienne's metaphor by using a definition for "put down" that is totally inconsistent with Adrienne's intentions, I decided to check an online dictionary. And here are the meanings for "put down" that are constistent with Adrienne's intentions.

From Merriam-Webster:

to bring to an end : stop

disapprove, criticize

to make ineffective : check

So Adrienne's use of the word "put down" was totally appropriate for its context. It is to the haters' discredit that they attempted to turn an innocent remark into something that it was not.

But then that is what we have come to expect from the evilmongers who habitually use lies and distortions to attack Governor Palin and her family.

Adrienne Ross is a valued member of the excellent team of authors on the Sarah Web Brigade blog and Sarah Palin Information Blog. She is also an author on US4Palin, C4P, and SarahNet. In addition, she is in a leadership position with the 2012 Draft Sarah Palin Committee. Like Sarah Palin, she loves her God and her country and walks the walk with her conservative values.

It is sad to see people so filled with hatred that they will turn the truth into a lie. But that is what is happening on a daily basis on the blogs that attacked Adrienne. However, the truth will prevail, as it always does in the end.

Bristol Palin Embraces Abstinence; Oprah Suggests Retraction?

By Adrienne Ross - www.motivationtruth.com

When I was a kid, I had the utmost respect for Oprah Winfrey. I admired her generosity, her sense of humor, the faith she seemed to hold dear. I was inspired by her story and how she overcame incredible odds as a child. I was so excited when I got accepted to Tennessee State University, for I soon learned that Oprah went there. I eventually chose another school, but for a while I loved the idea of attending Oprah's alma mater, especially since at that time I had some of the same dreams in my life as those that had become realities in hers. Yes, as a kid, I really admired Oprah.

But I'm not a kid anymore.

Oprah still gives as generously as she always has, and her personal story is still just as inspirational. However, now that I've matured, I guess it takes more to impress me.

I had my issues with her refusal to allow Governor Palin to sit on her couch during the 2008 campaign, but I won't rehash that. We all know how it turned out: Oprah now is quite glad to get the governor to appear on her show, and when she does, Oprah's ratings fly through the roof. So, as they say, moving on. Besides that, Oprah's worldview simply doesn't line up with mine in some very key areas, so I don't spend my time listening to her talk anymore--haven't done so for many years now--unless the governor is on.

However, my dwindling appreciation for the former Queen of Talk took a nosedive last Friday when she interviewed Governor Palin and her daughter, Bristol. Bristol has made the admirable, and correct, decision to remain abstinent until marriage. Rather than encourage Bristol to do just that, Oprah seemed to want to talk her out of her commitment. To me, Oprah's unique position as a role model to so many is incongruous with her belittling of Bristol's decision--and yes, I did sense some belittling going on.

At the start, I didn't realize the interview was headed that way. Oprah offered some good advice at first, which is advice that I have shared with single Christian women committed to waiting until marriage, probably saying something close to what Oprah advises.

Oprah tells the girls in her school in South Africa:

Make the decision before the moment arrives because when the guy is licking on your ear, it's hard to make the decision! So make the decision before the moment arrives.

I was thinking, Great advice, Oprah. I have always believed that we make decisions about how we want to act in particular situations before those situations arise. We'd be surprised how many things we could avoid altogether if that strategy were faithfully employed.

So I was with Oprah right up until a few seconds later when she said she "bristled" when she read in In Touch that Bristol stated, "I'm not going to have sex until I'm married. I can guarantee it."

Apparently Bristol's guarantee of abstinence is what alarmed Oprah, and she asked, "You don't think you're setting yourself up?"

At this point I'm thinking, "setting yourself up" for what? My confusion rested, in part, in having just heard Oprah say that she tells the African girls to do exactly what Bristol had just stated she did: make up her mind ahead of time.

Oprah's rationale was media pressure, that every guy she dates will be harassed with questions about whether Bristol had or had not remained true to that commitment. My thought here was, Hey, let the media blow it up. Better the dudes find out where I stand now than later. Better any interested guy should know where I stand before they even step to me. That way they can keep on stepping if they can't handle my plan. Truth be told, you can weed out a lot of guys from the jump that way and spare yourself the agony of dropping the "no" bomb on them later. They can't say they didn't know, can they?

Oprah, whose young adult life was not without its share of drama, trials, and tribulations, should have sincerely said to her guest, "Good for you, Bristol." Instead, she asked Bristol if she was setting herself up?! With a steely glint in her eyes, Bristol, who to me looked a bit annoyed, said, "No, I don't."

Oprah didn't say it, so I will: good for Bristol for standing by her commitment, for not backing down, for not allowing the pressure to cause her to cave in to Oprah, who appeared put off by Bristol's bold declaration of abstinence.

Had I been Bristol, however, I would have answered that question in the affirmative. When asked if I was setting myself up, I would have said, "Yes, Oprah. I am setting myself up...to achieve my goal. I'm setting myself up by doing exactly what you tell the girls in Africa: 'make the decision before the moment arrives.'"

Hey, if it's good enough for Africa, it's good enough for America.

So which one is it? Is Oprah encouraging the girls in her school to strategically choose abstinence, or when they say they have, does she pause five seconds for them to retract or ease their choice? It sounds like double talk to me. Either Bristol is supposed to stick to her guns, or she's supposed to back out. Again, which one is it, Oprah--a little of both?

When Bristol chose the former, Oprah--chuckling--said, "All right, good luck to you on that!" Belittling, demeaning, and frankly, disempowering.

I get sick and tired of people who purport to be all about the power of women and their ability to accomplish anything, except when it comes to both abstinence and giving birth to a child in less than ideal circumstances. I do not respect trying to talk a teenager, who is already raising a child, out of taking a stand on the issue. If women can do anything, they can do anything--including practicing abstinence.

Months ago, when Bristol once used the term "unrealistic" in reference to teenagers remaining abstinent, people jumped all over her. Friday, Oprah said about abstinence, "Obviously she's already had sex. So I'm just wondering if that is a realistic goal." When Bristol indicated that it is realistic for her, Oprah "bristled." This is Exhibit A of "you can't win for losing." This is why one must simply live by the courage of her own convictions as Bristol has purposed in her heart to do--and bump everybody else who doesn't believe you can. When Oprah shared the statistic that 1 out of 3 teenagers is sexually active, Bristol was unmoved. Her face seemed to say, "Well, I'll be one of the two." It may not be easy, but nothing valuable is--and she's worth it.

Abstinence is a touchy, uncomfortable subject for those who feel safer teaching birth control over abstinence. "It doesn't work," the statisticians say. News flash: abstinence, when employed, always works! It's when it's abandoned that it's rendered powerless. Besides, it seems Bristol realizes something that we could all stand to discover: though birth control protects from pregnancy sometimes, there is no birth control potent enough to protect your heart, soul, and mind from the effects of giving yourself to someone who has not given himself to you--through the commitment of marriage.

I say to Bristol in all sincerity, rather than the snarky way Oprah said it, "More power to you."

Levi: Put Up, or Shut Up! A Post by Conservative Girl with a Voice

There is a little angel who lives in Alaska who has two parents. One of this little angel's parents gets up early everyday to take care of him. She doesn't just care for him, but she works and goes to school too. Then, there is this little angel's father, who is approaching life in a totally different way. Instead of caring for his little angel, this young man is venturing out to Hollywood and New York, posing for magazines like Playgirl, doing interviews with gossip shows like Entertainment Tonight and on an endless search for his next big deal. You all probably know who I am talking about here. Little Tripp's parents, Bristol and Levi. Like many other conservative bloggers out there, I have repeatedly said that I am not going to use this blog as a platform to discuss Levi Johnston. Although I have said this, there comes a time when individuals like Levi need to be called out for their questionable actions and lies. Levi, or "Ricky Hollywood," as I guess he prefers to be called now, is out and about roaming the lower 48 while the mother of his child is in Alaska doing the right thing.

Bristol is a strong, mature young woman who should be commended. Instead of doing countless interviews and photo shoots, she is is caring for her child, nurturing him during, what are perhaps, the most important years of his young life. While it is not secret that Levi would rather spend time in some Hollywood studio, it is also not secret that little Tripp is so blessed to be surrounded by Bristol and the entire Palin and Heath clan. Bristol is so lucky to have the parents she has. In Todd and Sarah, Bristol has that support system and true role models. In Track, Willow, Piper and Trig, Tripp has aunts, uncles and playmates. I am so proud of Bristol. With integrity and strength, she turned what I'm sure had to have been a difficult circumstance into a positive. This isn't all. Now, she is using her own story to educate other young girls and young women about the importance of abstinence. Bristol has not glamorized her situation, not by a long shot. She is not afraid to say that being a teen mom is difficult and at times stressful, which further illustrates her strength and resilience. I know that I am older than Bristol, but I still look up to her for all she has accomplished and the good she is doing as a mother and advocate.

In choosing life, Bristol illustrated the values her mother and father instilled in her. Just like her mother, she not only talks the talk, but walks the walk. It is so easy to see just how well adjusted and loved little Tripp is. Look at the way he beams at his mommy, smiles at his grandma and grandpa, and reaches out for his Uncle Trig in photos and videos. This is a well adjusted little baby boy who has his mommy to thank for that. Doesn't Levi know that the choices he is making now are going to affect his son in the future? Of course he does. Levi is not some little kid who is unaware of the big world around him. He is 19 years old. He is old enough to join the military for goodness sake. We have young men and women who leave their families to fight for a cause greater than self. I am sick and tired of individuals out there who are blaming Levi's actions on the fact that he just some 19-year-old kid. Give me a break. This man, yes he is a man, is old enough to know right from wrong. Since Levi has no problem shelling out money to fly first class around the United States, he should have no problem going to Walmart or Target and shelling out some money on diapers. After listening to Levi's attorney/ acting buddy Rex Butler on Eddie Burke's show about a month ago, Levi was supposed to start paying Bristol on a regular basis for their son's necessities. As of today, Levi still has not done that. Instead, he gives excuses, saying Bristol never shows up to pick up the money or she doesn't answer his calls. My response to this: "Even if you say your accusations are true, I'm not buying them, you have a shiny new truck, 'Hollywood.' Have you ever heard of hopping in it and taking a drive over to the Palins? You still know where they live, right? After all, you bragged about living there for two whole months." I'm not holding my breath, though, in terms of this happening any time soon.

There is going to come a day when little Tripp is old enough to see the pain his daddy has caused his mommy. By then, I hope Levi comes to his senses and has made amends. How could Levi be so cold and uncaring toward Bristol and the Palins? Is he forgetting everything they did for him? The Palins represent a family unit that sticks together through thick and thin. Although it is so easy for us to see this, Levi is more concerned about his next meal ticket than the very people who took him under their wing. Unlike this coward, Bristol has never spoken ill of little Tripp's father. When Tripp is old enough to understand what is going on, he is going to realize this. He is going to see the intense love and dedication she has for him. Tripp is also going to have to deal with the images of his father printed in an adult magazine, the interviews he conducted with the various gossip shows, and perhaps most unfortunately, Tripp is going to have to deal with the awful things Levi has said about his mother. We can only hope and pray that "Ricky Hollywood" wakes up and realizes the damage he has caused and begins to change his ways.

Sure, Levi, the money you are making right now many be nice, and you are jet setting around the world in first-class style, but eventually, those who are using you right now are going to outgrow you. The Rex Butlers, Tank Jones and unhinged Alaska bloggers of this world are going to move on to another individual whom they can latch onto and use to gain fame and notoriety. The question is: Is Levi smart enough to realize that he is being used? Is Levi smart enough to know that he needs to drop those losers and come back down to earth to live with us mere mortals? And if he does, will he see the priceless gift that he has sitting right in front of him before it's too late? Tripp is living the most important years of his life in terms of connecting with those around him. While he is too young to know what is going on around him, it is just a matter of time before he begins to take notice.

Step up, Levi! Step up in the name of Tripp! Step up and start cherishing your son and respecting your baby's mother, an amazing woman. You look like a fool parading around the world, wearing sunglasses inside airports, posing for stupid magazines, and making "b-rated" commercials. Step up, Levi, and be the father your precious son deserves. Stop flying first class and start buying him some diapers and supporting Tripp financially because when the fame rubs off, and the leaches rid themselves of you, who will be left standing? I pray that Tripp WILL be waiting there with open arms, reaching up to be held by his daddy. It is up to you, Levi. Which path are you going to choose?

-I encourage you all to visit my good friend and Sarah Sorority Sister, Adrienne Ross' blog, Motivation: Truth and read her latest post Levi: When Lying Dogs Won't Sleep.

-Please visit another good friend of mine, Patrick Adams' blog Unsheathed and read Levi Johnston is a Pawn.-

-And to top it all off, visit another on of my Sarah Sorority Sister's, Camille Friend's blog and read The Levi Tales: A Jive Turkey, Mama Bears, and a Tank in a China Shop.

(Click here to visit Conservative Girl with a Voice. Click here to follow me on Twitter.)

Cows Eating Cabbage

I told my mother once as she was rubbing some face cream into her face that if it was supposed to make her look pretty, it wasn’t working.

A friend once told me that I probably should stop seeing the young man I was dating. She said I was a different person when I was with him. I told her to drop dead.

During a heated disagreement with my ex-husband, he suggested that I F-Bomb off. As I stomped back to the bedroom, I looked over my shoulder and said, “.. yeah? And the horse you rode in on!”

Did I really mean to tell my mother that she wasn’t pretty or didn’t look nice?

Did I really want my friend to drop dead right then and there?

Just what exactly did I expect to happen to that “horse” he rode in on?

My point is that sometimes we say things that we don’t mean. Other times we say things that are not interpreted the way we thought they would be when we said them.

When those things happen, we have a couple of options. We can consider the source, consider the point being made, or we can take the words literally. There are times when all three may seem appropriate at that instant.

Ask Sarah Palin what it feels like to be told that she should be shot from a helicopter; that she should just sit down and shut up; that she is stupid; that she makes inappropriate decisions; that she just doesn’t know what she’s talking about; that she didn’t really give birth to Trig.

None of those things are true about Sarah Palin although you hear those same worn-out phrases every day if you live in the world I do. My world revolves around political figures right now because I am so distressed over the socialistic and communistic changes I see happening in my country. I want every liberal in Washington, DC ridden out of town on a rail to be tarred and feathered at the Virginia state line.

Something akin to the misaligning Sarah has had to put up with for almost two years happened to someone I know by reputation only recently. I have never met the young woman, nor have I even seen her “live and in person.” But I knew when I read what she wrote that those who hate Sarah Palin would be attacking her with guns blazing. Unfortunately, I was right.

When I read her blog post, I knew exactly what she was talking about. Metaphors are interesting things. They give us a way to express phrases, thoughts and ideas that probably could have been said in a different way, but would have required much more time and space and many more words to relate. How our readers interpret the things we write is always a concern, but when we use metaphors, we expect them to be taken as exactly what they are – metaphors!

Having read many articles written by this young woman, and having respected her writing whether or not I was in 100% agreement is very easy to do because many times we write about the same subjects. Each of us chooses different words, phrases and metaphors in our writing, but the end result is always the same point – Sarah Palin is one of the good guys, and if you don’t like her that’s just too bad!

The young woman in question here is a Christian woman who does her best to live a Godly life and would never wish ill on anyone. I’m guessing here, but I’ll bet it even bothers her to see a dead roach, although it is much preferable to see a dead one than one running around your kitchen!

People on other sides of our political fences see things very differently than we do and are always excited to find something they can use against us to discredit us and our subject. They use a tool referred to as “Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals” as a basis. The idea is to intentionally misunderstand or misconstrue something to the point that someone will think that is what was intended by the original writer.

Well, people, you’ve gone entirely too far this time. I may not choose the right words here, and my metaphors may be lacking, but my point is this. Only the liberal left really, sincerely, and certainly wishes someone were dead. They really do. They want all of us who consider ourselves conservative out of their way. We create problems for them, you see. We tell the truth about the illicit purposes and results of the plans they espouse for our country, and we know there is a better way. They don’t like that, and if all of us were put out of their misery, they would have their perfect world.

What they haven’t discovered yet is a truth I learned years ago – the grass is indeed always greener on the other side of the fence BECAUSE IT’S ASTROTURF! It isn’t real! It’s fake! Just like the things they think they want for our nation. Astroturf may be greener, but it isn’t as soft and comforting as real grass when you fall down.

The liberal argument is the very same. They think we’re all a bunch of loons and would be better off dead. But, my goodness, give them an inch and they’ll take a mile. Give them a beautiful flower and they’ll stomp it because they think it has been poisoned. Only their words, not the flower, are the poison, and one of these days those same words will come back to haunt them.

If you can honestly believe that a conservative wants a wrong to be righted so badly that even killing someone is not too far to go to accomplish the desired result, I suggest the reason is that you have the same thoughts and feelings about the conservative.

I don’t like Obama. I don’t like him at all. There is NOTHING that I like about him.. not even his name. It’s just too close to Osama to suit me. Would I love to see him found out for the liar, traitor and America-hater that he is? You betcha! Would I enjoy seeing him dragged out of the People’s House in chains? Oh, yeah! Do I wish someone would take a gun and kill him? Not for one minute!

That wouldn’t solve anything at all and would, in fact, only make matters worse. That is exactly my point. And it was the young woman’s point too. She doesn’t wish physical harm to come to anyone. The fact that you liberals are now trying to force-feed the blogosphere and other venues as well; the fact that you are stirring up as much trouble as you can for her; the fact that you have so much hate in your heart for the truth that you will go to any lengths to destroy it speaks more ill of you than it does of her.

Back off, Jack! Give it a rest! Go find something legitimate to spend your anger on. Use your hatred against policies – not people.

There was a time when we were all Americans. That time seems to have come to an end and nobody I know is able to put a finger on the exact time that it happened. Now it is “us against them” and everyone takes swipes at anyone else whose political visions are different from their own.

Personally, I am sick up to here with all the hatred in this country. If it were truly an issue of racism, that would be one thing – we could chalk it up as ignorance. If it were just a matter of political opinion – we could laugh and move forward with our own political opinions. This is much more serious than that. This is the difference between conservatives and liberals, between constitutionalists and ideologues, between democracy and Marxism, between Democrats and Republicans.

Next time you want to attack someone for saying something you make an intentional choice to misunderstand, stop and think how much more damage you are doing to your cause than to the cause of the other side. The major difference is that while I see many things written about my country that I don’t appreciate, I have a big red X in the corner of my page that will remove that page from my sight if I don’t like what I see there.

I suggest you click the BIG X and close that page. The fact that you don’t like something is not going to make that idea go away. Get over it and move forward! Defend your cause and your issues with the facts or shut up and get out of the way! You are delaying REAL progress in our country. If the best you can do is attempt to discredit one person, who by the way happens to be of the same ethnic background as half of Obama’s family tree, I suggest you reexamine your entire agenda. You might find that it isn’t worth fighting so hard for after all.

Take That NOW

In the words of Sarah Palin...what is NOW thinking! It's funny how if a liberal woman is attacked or made to look like a sex object, NOW and other organizations crawl all over themselves to to scream about just how wrong things are. But give them a chance to stand up for all women and they are no shows, just like when David Letterman joked about Sarah's daugther Willow being raped.

Women’s Rights groups, like NOW, commendably call out advertisers and networks for airing sexist and demeaning portrayals of women that lead to young women’s diminished self-esteem and acceptance of roles as mere sexed-up objects.

What a ridiculous situation they’re getting themselves into now with their protest of CBS airing a pro-life ad during the upcoming Super Bowl game. The ad will feature Heisman trophy winner Tim Tebow and his mom, and they’ll speak to the sanctity of life and the beautiful potential within every innocent child as Mrs. Tebow acknowledges her choice to give Tim life, despite less than ideal circumstances. Messages like this empower women! This speaks to the strength and commitment and nurturing spirit within women. The message says everything positive and nothing negative about the power of women – and life. Evidently, some women’s rights groups like NOW do not like that message.

NOW is looking at the pro-life issue backwards. Women should be reminded that they are strong enough and smart enough to make decisions that allow for career and educational opportunities while still giving their babies a chance at life. In my own home, my daughter Bristol has also been challenged by pro-abortion “women’s rights” groups who don’t agree with her decision to have her baby, nor do they like the abstinence message which she articulated as her personal commitment. NOW could gain ground and credibility with everyday Americans, thus allowing their pro-women message to be heard by more than just their ardent supporters, if they made wiser decisions regarding which battles to pick. They should call attention to and embrace the Tebow’s message, instead of covertly and overtly disrespecting what Mrs. Tebow, Bristol, and millions of other women have chosen to do (in less than ideal circumstances).

My message to these groups who are inexplicably offended by a pro-woman, pro-child, pro-life message airing during the Super Bowl: please concentrate on empowering women, help with efforts to prevent unexpected pregnancies, stay consistent with your message that for too long women have been made to feel like sex objects in our “modern” culture and that we can expect better in 2010. But don’t let your double standard glare so vividly as to undo some of the good to which you could contribute.

And CBS: just do the right thing. Don’t cave. Have the backbone to run the ad.

To the Tebows: thank you. America is listening. We appreciate you.

- Sarah Palin

Well said, Sarah, well said. If only "they" would hear you!

Sarah Palin Delivers The Real State Of The Union Address

He shall from time to time give to the Congress information of the state of the union, and recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient

–Article II Section 3, United States Constitution.

On the eve of Barack Obama’s big State of the Union address, Sarah Palin brutally assesses the President and issues him a challenge:

Mr. President: Please Try, "I'm Listening, People," Instead of "Listen Up, People!"

We’ve now seen three landslide Republican victories in three states that President Obama carried in 2008. From the tea parties to the town halls to the Massachusetts Miracle, Americans have tried to make their opposition to Washington’s big government agenda loud and clear. But the President has decided that this current discontent isn’t his fault, it’s ours. He seems to think we just don’t understand what’s going on because he hasn’t had the chance – in his 411 speeches and 158 interviews last year – to adequately explain his policies to us.

Instead of sensibly telling the American people, "I’m listening," the president is saying, "Listen up, people!" This approach is precisely the reason people are upset with Washington. Americans understand the president’s policies. We just don’t agree with them. But the president has refused to shift focus and come around to the center from the far left. Instead he and his old campaign advisers are regrouping to put a new spin on the same old agenda for 2010.

Americans aren’t looking for more political strategists. We’re looking for real leadership that listens and delivers results. The president’s former campaign adviser is now calling on supporters to "get on the same page," but what’s on that page? He claims that the president is "resolved" to "keep fighting for" his agenda, but we’ve already seen what that government-growth agenda involves, and frankly the hype doesn’t give us much hope. Real health care reform requires a free market approach; real job creation involves incentivizing, not punishing, the job-creators; reining in the "big banks" means ending bailouts; and stopping "the undue influence of lobbyists" means not cutting deals with them behind closed doors.

Instead of real leadership, though, we’ve had broken promises and backroom deals. One of the worst: candidate Obama promised to go through the federal budget "with a scalpel," but President Obama spent four times more than his predecessor. Want more? Candidate Obama promised that lobbyists "won’t find a job in my White House," but President Obama gave at least a dozen former lobbyists top administration jobs. Candidate Obama promised us that we could view his health care deliberations openly and honestly on C-SPAN, but President Obama cut deals behind closed doors with industry lobbyists. Candidate Obama promised us that we would have at least five days to read all major legislation, but President Obama rushed through bills before members of Congress could even read them.

Candidate Obama promised us that his economic stimulus package would be targeted and pork-free, but President Obama signed a stimulus bill loaded with pork and goodies for corporate cronies. Candidate Obama railed against Wall Street greed, but President Obama cozied up to bankers as he extended and expanded their bailouts. Candidate Obama promised us that for "Every dollar that I’ve proposed [in spending], I’ve proposed an additional cut so that it matches." We’re still waiting to see how President Obama will cut spending to match the trillion he’s spent.

More than anything, Americans were promised jobs, but the president’s stimulus package has failed to stem our rising unemployment rate. Maybe it was unfair to expect that an administration with so little private sector experience would understand something about job creation. How many Obama Administration officials have ever had to make a payroll or craft a business plan in the private sector? How many have had to worry about not having the resources to invest and expand? The president’s big government policies have made hiring a new employee a difficult commitment for employers to make. Ask yourself if the Obama Administration has done anything to make it easier for employers to hire. Have they given us any reassurance that the president will keep taxes low and not impose expensive new regulations?

Candidate Obama over-promised; President Obama has under-delivered. We understand you, Mr. President. We’ve listened to you again and again. We ask that you now listen to the American people.

- Sarah Palin

What else really needs to be said. What we are witnessing here is a true American Statesman schooling a half-wit poseur. This is what real leadership is all about.

Attacks on Conservative Blogger Unwarranted

In the last few days, friend and author Adrienne Ross has been under attack for an article she posted on several blogs, discussing the custody issue between Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston. The flap revolves around one particular paragraph:

“I believe there’s hope for Levi; I really do. And I hope he grabs a hold of it soon because he’s treading on very thin Alaska ice. Like I said at the start, there’s something to be said for letting sleeping dogs lie. But when a lying dog refuses to put his rabid mouth to sleep, sometimes you just have to put that dog down.” (Read Adrienne's entire original article here)

As has been pointed out, Ms. Ross is an English teacher and accomplished writer. In their attempt to discredit her writings, they have used this very point against her, saying she should have known how her words would be interpreted. I use that same point, her writing skills, to make this point: she IS an excellent writer. This article was heavily laced with metaphor and idioms, something that seems to be difficult for her attackers to understand.

Others have used similar phrasings to make a point. For example, when President-elect Obama used the term "lipstick on a pig" during a speech, did anyone actually think he was going around with a red lipstick, chasing pigs? The left strongly argued that their idol was merely using an idiom he was familiar with, but others may not be. Another example is the recent flap over Harry Reid's racially-charged comments, which were made some time ago, and recently came to light after the publication of a political book. Again, the left argued that Mr. Reid was misunderstood and the terms he used were taken out of context. Why should this same understanding not be afforded Ms. Ross?

I have tried to make sense of the far-left's thinking, but there is no reasoning with it:

Insanity + Internet access = Liberal Blogger

This seems to be the order of the day. Adrienne has been fair and accurate in her writings on this subject. The attacks on her by the far-left are unwarranted and much more aggressive than anything they are accusing Ms. Ross of. The threats of legal action against Ms. Ross are baseless. Law is based on what a reasonable person would do in a situation. Any reasonable person who reads Ms. Ross' article will understand that she was not directly calling for harm to befall Mr. Johnston; only that Mr. Johnston needs to grow up and own up to his responsibilities - nothing more. Ms. Ross will continue to write, and should. Each of us brings a unique insight into various situations with our writings. Her contributions are valuable and this vitriol must end.

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Sarah Palin Hopes Obama Will Change His Tune in His SOTU to "I'm Listening, America"

Last night, Governor Palin tweeted:

Her tweet was preceded by this Facebook Note:

Mr. President: Please Try, "I'm Listening, People," Instead of "Listen Up, People!"

Yesterday at 9:33pm EST

We’ve now seen three landslide Republican victories in three states that
President Obama carried in 2008. From the tea parties to the town halls to the
Massachusetts Miracle, Americans have tried to make their opposition to
Washington’s big government agenda loud and clear. But the President has decided
that this current discontent isn’t his fault, it’s ours. He seems to think we just don’t understand what’s going on because he hasn’t had the chance – in his 411 speeches and 158 interviews last year – to adequately explain his policies to us.

Instead of sensibly telling the American people, “I’m listening,” the president is saying, “Listen up, people!” This approach is precisely the reason people are upset with Washington. Americans understand the president’s policies. We just don’t agree with them. But the president has refused to shift focus and come around to the center from the far left. Instead he and his old campaign advisers are regrouping to put a new spin on the same old agenda for 2010.

Americans aren’t looking for more political strategists. We’re looking for real leadership that listens and delivers results. The president’s former campaign adviser is now calling on supporters to “get on the same page,” but what’s on that page? He claims that the president is “resolved” to “keep fighting for” his agenda, but we’ve already seen what that government-growth agenda involves, and frankly the hype doesn’t give us much hope. Real health care reform requires a free market approach; real job creation involves incentivizing, not punishing, the job-creators; reining in the “big banks” means ending bailouts; and stopping “the undue influence of lobbyists” means not cutting deals with them behind closed doors.

Instead of real leadership, though, we’ve had broken promises and backroom deals. One of the worst: candidate Obama promised to go through the federal budget “with a scalpel,” but President Obama spent four times more than his predecessor. Want more? Candidate Obama promised that lobbyists “won’t find a job in my White House,” but President Obama gave at least a dozen former lobbyists top administration jobs. Candidate Obama promised us that we could view his health care deliberations openly and honestly on C-SPAN, but President Obama cut deals behind closed doors with industry lobbyists. Candidate Obama promised us that we would have at least five days to read all major legislation, but President Obama
rushed through bills before members of Congress could even read them.

Candidate Obama promised us that his economic stimulus package would be targeted and pork-free, but President Obama signed a stimulus bill loaded with pork and goodies for corporate cronies. Candidate Obama railed against Wall Street greed, but President Obama cozied up to bankers as he extended and expanded their bailouts. Candidate Obama promised us that for “Every dollar that I’ve proposed [in
spending], I’ve proposed an additional cut so that it matches.” We’re still waiting to see how President Obama will cut spending to match the trillion he’s spent.

More than anything, Americans were promised jobs, but the president’s stimulus package has failed to stem our rising unemployment rate. Maybe it was unfair to expect that an administration with so little private sector experience would understand something about job creation. How many Obama Administration officials have ever had to make a payroll or craft a business plan in the private sector? How many have had to worry about not having the resources to invest and expand? The president’s big government policies have made hiring a new employee a difficult commitment for employers to make. Ask yourself if the Obama Administration has done anything to make it easier for employers to hire. Have they given us any
reassurance that the president will keep taxes low and not impose expensive new

Candidate Obama over-promised; President Obama has under-delivered. We
understand you, Mr. President. We’ve listened to you again and again. We ask
that you now listen to the American people.-

Sarah Palin