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Friday, October 29, 2010

Karl Rove Hypocritically Criticizes Governor Palin

By Adrienne Ross - www.motivationtruth.com

I'm not going to spend a whole lot of time on Karl Rove because he's so yesterday, it's ridiculous. He's had his underwear in a wad since his establishment Republicans have gotten the boot from people like Christine O'Donnell in Delaware, endorsed by Governor Palin. He's been pouting, whining, and complaining since she shocked the country with her Primary win. Now he's trashing Governor Palin.

London's Telegraph reports:
Karl Rove, the former senior adviser to George W Bush, has cast doubt on Sarah Palin’s viability as a White House candidate, questioning if the American people thought she had the “gravitas” for the “most demanding job in the world”.

“With all due candour, appearing on your own reality show on the Discovery Channel, I am not certain how that fits in the American calculus of 'that helps me see you in the Oval Office’,” Mr Rove told The Daily Telegraph in an interview.

Rove is a hypocrite, as Josh Painter points out, for after criticizing Governor Palin's series, he applauds President Obama's appearance on the Comedy Channel:
Karl Rove applauded Jon Stewart for his interview of President Barack Obama on The Daily Show, saying that “Stewart was questioning from the left,” but that “it was a serious attempt. I mean, it was actually a pretty good interview.”

Again, Karl Rove is a hypocrite whose real problem is jealousy that Governor Palin's influence has pushed people like him and his establishment buddies to the back burner.

Sheya, writing for C4P, states:
I’m just curious, what does a candidate have to do to "help" Rove see that he or she "fits in the American calculus" of being President? Having multiple states that you call home...does that do it?

Hey, here’s an idea. After Sarah Palin’s Alaska succeeds in showing the American people who Governor Palin really is, contrary to what you and the media have been trying to manipulate them into believing, and her numbers begin climbing upwards, Mitt Romney can do his own series. He can pick one of the following as a title: “Mitt’s Massachusetts,” “Mitt’s Michigan,” "Mitt’s Utah," or "Mitt’s California." Or you know maybe it’ll be easier to keep it simple, as a friend suggested, maybe he just calls it "Mitt Romney's Estates".

With all due respect to Mr. Rove, I think he’s way past his buy-sell date. It’s no longer 2000. Much has happened since the architect couldn’t get his candidate to win the popular vote even when the climate was all in his favor.

Read more of Sheya's post here.